Qi Zhuo was born in 1985 in Fuxin, Liaoning, China, and now lives and works between Paris, France and Jingdezhen, China. Qi Zhuo graduated with honors from the Le Mans School of Art and Design (with a DNSEP diploma), before completing the KAOLIN postgraduate program at ENSA Limoges in France and the Geneva University of Art and Design in Switzerland. Zhuo's practice contains reflections on multiculturalism and cultural misunderstandings. He deploys various materials such as ceramics, glass, metal, and paper, exploring their history, cultural significance, and internal traditions. By transforming these materials, he establishes a delicate balance and creates a comprehensive artistic language.
On the surface, Qi Zhuo's works are humorous and poetic but they are also full of contradictions and uncertainty. As a Chinese person in a foreign country, he tries to interpret the social environment from the perspective of the "other", while examining his own culture from a foreign perspective. The differences and misunderstandings generated by the collision of different cultures and languages become a way of communication. Qi Zhuo’s works use this context to set up a variety of "mistakes" for the audience.
Zhuo Qi
Né en Chine en 1985 et travaillant depuis 2008 en France, Zhuo Qi nourrit sa démarche artistique de l’expérience quotidienne des miracles sémantiques et linguistiques que génèrent l’altérité culturelle et son lot d’incompréhensions. Avec humour, il traduit en céramique des confrontations entre des manières de faire ou de penser, autant que des traditions artistiques que la mondialisation rapproche sans transition ni traduction. Chez lui, la porcelaine est à la fois le moyen et le sujet d’une cuisine expérimentale tournée vers la création d’objets impliquant des corps étrangers plongés dans des environnements incongrus, énigmatiques, voire hostiles, mais toujours sources d’amusement.